Tuesday, February 3, 2009

To move or not to move?

Here's the skinny:

All this talk of community, living on compounds, sharing life together is more than I can handle.

I'm feeling the need to either move or move on. sounds harsh but it's not meant to be.

The Bender's are at a bit of a crossroads. We could potentially move at the end of the summer, if some cards lined up right. However, this would not be an easy decision. In fact, it would be a very illogical decision. Houston is sucking some of our roots into her ground. We have a home which would be hard to sell, two good jobs, Morgan's 2 jobs promise her the world and often deliver and don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon, my school is paid for as long as I'm here, etc, etc.

The point is, it would take a lot of sacrifice to pack up and move. In spite of the circumstance, the Bender's are feeling a little crazy and wouldn't mind saying to hell with all that and heading to be near you. When we think about having kids, it's an easy decision. We want to be near friends. We want to raise your kids, we want you to raise our kids. one big happy family.

So, here's the question: are we really doin' it? If we do what would this look like?

It's easy for Morgan and I to feel we would be sacrificing a lot of good things to move to Round Rock and get stuck in some crap job. And we would be left wondering, "why did we leave Houston again?" We get to see each other a lot and I know our friendships will continue to grow if we stay here, but I guess I'm just wondering is there really something behind all of our talk.

If we moved, would you be up for doing something crazy?